Infectious Diseases

  • Diarrhoea

  • In acute diarrhoea what frequency of bowel motions is considered severe?

  • More than 6 stool motions per day

  • Which organism is the commonest cause of travellers’ diarrhoea?

  • Escherichia coli

  • Describe the stool typical of Campylobacter infection

  • Bloody diarrhoea

  • Describe the stool typical of Shigella infection

  • Bloody diarrhoea

  • Describe the stool typical of Vibrio cholerae (cholera) infection

  • ‘Rice-water stool’

  • Describe the stool typical of typhoid

  • Green ‘pea-soup’ diarrhoea

  • Infection with Clostridium difficile typically follows which treatment therapy?

  • Antibiotics

  • What is the name of the colitis caused by Clostridium difficile?

  • Pseudomembranous colitis

  • How is the diagnosis of pseudomembranous colitis made?

  • Stool sample for Clostridium difficile toxin

  • What is an important complication of pseudomembranous colitis?

  • Toxic megacolon – increases risk of colonic perforation

  • Which organism causes amoebic dysentery?

  • Entamoeba histolytica

  • How is the diagnosis of amoebic dysentery made?

  • Amoebic cysts on stool microscopy


Sickle-Cell Anaemia

